Guest Speaker 11-8
"It isn't just about being a programmer." A quote that relates to the technology business of today's market. That just because a company is a tech company it doesn't mean that everyone there is a programmer and that all they do all day is program. It is still a machine and needs to be well kept. Meaning that the company is meaningless if it 1. doesn't generate revenue and 2. doesn't have a way to actually compete with other businesses or if their product is worse than their competitors. Other than that little ramble, the guest speaker was actually pretty cool and was very interesting to hear what he had to say. Starting with the fact that he has a G.E.D. and a two-year degree from a technical college, and has still started 4 businesses and at least two of which are strong and have employed several people besides himself. His most recent business Airlift is very interesting, that the way his company works is that it's all done offsite,...