a very interesting documentary for sure, it follows two primary founders of a website called Although there were three founders, the third founder was barely introduced and had very little screen time and was bought out at a very early time of the company for something around $400,000. Which is insane to me, although he did put in equal amount of time, effort, and money at the beginning of the company. Interestingly it seemed that he knew what his shares were worth when he was getting bought out, which was a very smart idea on his part, even though he couldn't even sell his shares or stock even if he wanted to because the company wasn't on the public market just yet and was still getting funding from VC's. Moving on the documentary itself was interesting, it was a good look into what the dot-com bubble was and how so many companies were trying to move into this multibillion-dollar market, in as little time as possible, and how everyone was trying to understand just what and where their place was in the market. I found it funny that the company didn't actually succeed, I guess that shows just how fragile a company is at the beginning even though it was valued in the millions, even without actually ever selling a product. They sold the idea of their product and didn't actually sell anything until the end of their life as a business. Moreover, seeing the company go from 200+ employees to just a handful in just a matter of months was very surreal and unbelievable, the company didn't work, the product they had was late to the market and I believe they said that their interface was ahead of its time but just didn't work. The documentary was good, it gave a good perspective as to what the market was like when the internet was first introduced and how almost everyone was trying to grab their own little piece of the pie.
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