Similarities and Differences Between Email and Snail Mail

The similarities and differences between email and email are not few and far between.  Email and mail both have a lot in common with one another, but their differences are what gives one the advantage over the other.  To begin, as you read the title, I referred to email like letters, and packages, postcards, those sorts of things as snail mail.  Well, why would you do that? Well because, how long does it take for mail to get from one place to another?  It depends on how far it has to travel and how many stops it makes along the way.  Okay so to standardize this, and make it easy, let's say a state away.  I'm really thinking of dropping out and moving to Oregon.  So let's make it Oregon, how long does it take for U.S. mail to get a letter from Seattle to Portland? 3-5 days.  that's standard shipping, not paying for extra bells and whistles, not overnight, and not priority.  Okay, so how long does it take email to get from Seattle to Portland?  Seconds, for it to arrive in their email, to be read on their phone, tablet, home computer, as long as they have an internet connection.  So obviously the whole point of this paragraph was to say that speed is a huge difference between email and mail.  But not only is speed a difference, but also convenience, where can you check your mail? Easy when you are standing outside your house looking into your mailbox, but not too soon because the postman hasn't delivered it yet.  Okay, so where can you check your email? the list of places you can't is a lot shorter, ready? when you don't have an internet connection.  That's it.  It's in my opinion that these two factors speed and convenience is what is killing the mail industry and why people just don't send mail to each other anymore.  We are excluding amazon prime services because it's not a reality just yet.
Similarities, well besides the few letters they have in common in their name "mail" the similarities kinda almost stop.  However, the way the mail is sorted is almost identical, though email does have some better techniques.  So by sorted what do I mean? Well, when you send mail what happens? You put it in the mailbox and wait for someone to come pick it up, with email, you are the first step, you send the mail, just by having an address and clicking send.  Okay hold up there is a similarity there too! Both need addresses, for both you have to know where you want it to go.  Awesome we are on our way, another similarity is the sorting process, both get sorted by address, where it's going, where does it need to go in order to get from point A to point B.  But that's where the similarities stop.  After the sorting process, because with mail the sorting process takes days, with email the sorting takes less than a second.
Those are not all the similarities and differences but because I don't feel like writing a novel I'm going to end it here.  Thanks !                


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